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Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009


In Loving MemoRy

Alter Bridge - In Loving Memory

Thanks foR all you've done
I've missed you foR so long
I can't believe you'Re gone
You still live in me
I feel you in the wind
You guide me constantly

I neveR knew what it was to be alone, no
Cause you weRe always theRe foR me
You weRe always theRe waiting
And now I come home and I miss youR face so
Smiling down on me
I close my eyes to see

And I know, you'Re a paRt of me
And it's youR song that sets me fRee
I sing it while I feel I can't hold on
I sing tonight cause it comfoRts me

I caRRy the things that Remind me of you
In loving memoRy of
The one that was so tRue
You weRe as kind as you could be
And even though you'Re gone
You still mean the woRLd to me

I neveR knew what it was to be alone, no
Cause you weRe always theRe foR me
You weRe always theRe waiting
But now I come home and it's not the same, no
It feels empty and alone
I can't believe you'Re gone

And I know, you'Re a paRt of me
And it's youR song that sets me fRee
I sing it while I feel I can't hold on
I sing tonight cause it comfoRts me

I'm glad he set you fRee fRom soRRow
I'll still love you moRe tomoRRow
And you'll be heRe with me still

And what you did, you did with feeling
And You always found the meaning
And you always will
And you always will
And you always will


And I know, you'Re a paRt of me
And it's youR song that sets me fRee
I sing it while I feel I can't hold on
I sing tonight cause it comfoRts me

Thx Dad...


Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009


1 houR 30 minutes before 31st OctobeR 2009.
Flashback to 13rd years a go.

On Wednesday, I still could see his laugh. I still could heaR his voice befoRe I slept. I still felt his aRm, his thRob of the heaRt, his hand hold on my hand and the otheR caress my haiR.

Itu adalah bebeRapa hal yang masih teRingat sampai saat ini. Begitu sempuRnanya dia memeRankan peRan sebagai seoRang ayah. He is my fighting spiRit. Ketulusan dan kesabaRannya dalam meRangkai pRogRam di otakku. Kegigihannya dalam membukakan jalan untukku. Kebijaksanaannya ketika haRus beRkata :"It;s not tRue, my deaR....You can take this way. It's betteR foR you. TRust me, you can do it." Keteguhan imannya teRasa ketika membisikkan doa - doa saat aq sakit. Entah sudah beRapa panjang doa yang teRlantun. Kepiawaiannya dalam mendongeng dan semua itu masih teRekam dalam memoRy otak sampai saat ini.

1 houR befoRe 31st OctobeR 2009.

I'm veRy sleepY, so tiRed but I don't want to sleep Right now.
Aku tidak ingin 30 OctobeR beRganti menjadi 31st OctobeR.

10 minutes befoRe 31st OctobeR 2009.

My pillow put me to sleep. I don't want it. Dad.....!!!!


Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009


You aRe the peRson who has to decide. WhetheR you'll do it oR toss it aside; you aRe the peRson who makes up youR mind. WhetheR you'll lead oR will lingeR behind. WhetheR you'll tRy foR the goal that's afaR. OR just be contented to stay wheRe you aRe (Edgar A. Guest).”

Kehidupan setiap manusia tidak bisa lepas daRi PILIHAN. Life is choice. Ketika beRjalan dalam suatu kehidupan kadang kita teRhenti dengan adanya pilihan. Jalan yang beRcabang. Bagaimana jika keadaan tidak mendukung untuk kita memilih??? Mungkin kaRena teRlalu gelap untuk melihat jalan yang benaR. Mungkin kaRena suaRa hati teRLalu liRih untuk beRbicaRa. Mungkin kaRena otak dan hati tidak bisa sinkRon. Kehilangan pegangan, teRombang-ambing di tengah keadaan yang tidak jelas, membuat eneRgi teRkuRas habis. Tidak tahu bagaimana menentukan aRah. BeRdiRi saja di peRsimpangan, beRpikiR pun tidak, hanya sekedaR menatap jalan beRcabang sambil beRhaRap bisa menentukan apa yang dicaRi. 
Lantas, yang menjadi peRtanyaan; apa sebenaRnya yang kita caRi dalam hidup ini? 
Salah satunya kebahagiaan.

What we call the secret of happiness is no more a secret than our willingness to choose life (Leo Buscaglia). 

Apa yang kita sebut Rahasia kebahagiaan adalah kesediaan kita untuk memilih hidup. "Kesediaan" mengandung makna 'sedia' secaRa keseluRuhan; mau, mampu, lakukan. Just do it. It's sounds like easy way, but tRust me it's moRe difficult. Tidak semua oRang bisa memilih. It's the pRoblem..

Mungkin ada banyak oRang di luaR sana yang memiliki pRoblem dalam 'memilih'. Dan aq hanya akan melihatnya saja, kaRena aq tidak bisa menjadi lilin bagi setiap oRang.

Kamu adalah oRang yang haRus memutuskan; apakah kamu akan melakukannya ato tidak, hanya sekedaR mengesampingkannya. Kamu adalah oRang yang membentuk pikiRanmu sendiRi; apakah kamu akan menjadi pemimpin dalam pencaRian jalan hidupmu sendiRi ato hanya akan teRus saja beRada di belakang tanpa beRbuat apa-apa. Apakah kamu akan mencoba tujuan yang lebih jauh ato hanya puas akan kebeRadaanmu yang sekaRang saja. STAG.

To eveRy one, listen to youR heaRt and close youR eyes. Find youR way and let's walk, don't look back. It's youR choice. Good Luck.



Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009



To : My Beloved my Mom

Happy b’Dhe Mom...

Thank’s foR all you’ve done foR me…

With Love,

YouR sweetie daughter…^_*
