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Selasa, 28 April 2009


They said, fRiendship is so beautiful
Like the sunshine gives smile to the woRLd
They said, fRiendship is so delicious
Like the cakes by well cooked
They said, fRiendship is so cute
Like the baRbie with pink dResses
They said, fRiendship is so melodious
Like the tones in haRmony
They said, fRiendship is so deep
Like the Dead Sea
They said, fRiendship is expensive
Like the pRestige of Royal Kingdom
They said, fRiendship is so peRfect
Like the chRysalis be a beautiful butteRfly

But, I can’t believe of what they said
The tRuth, fRiendship is huRt me
As the shaRp knife scRatched my body
The tRuth, fRiendship can destRoy me
Like the huRRicane disasteR
The tRuth, fRiendship can bReak me
Like the twig that was stepped by the foot
The tRuth, fRiendship is so daRk
Like the night without the moon and staRs
The tRuth, fRiendship isn’t ReaL
Like the nightmaRe in my sleep
Like the faiRytale that often was heaRd by me duRing still was child
The tRuth, fRiendship is nothing
Because I always alone when I need someone to help me
To solve eveRy pRoblems oR just to shaRe my mind
TheRe is nothing

Just me and my self


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