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Rabu, 20 Januari 2010

KM 23

Twenty thRee yeaRs old.

“What’s the meaning of 23?”

23 is 21+2
23 is 17+6
23 is 9+14
23 is 5+18
23 is 1+22
23 is 0+23

“What’s youR Resolution?”

Be Wise
Be Patience
Be StRongeR
Be BRighteR (as a little staR)

“So, what’s youR wish?”


“Yeah, Let’s make a wish…!”

Why? Why I should make a wish?
Because It’s my birRhday?!! So, what?!!!
I always make a wish eveRy day. I neveR waiting my biRthday to make a wish. It’s stupid. EveRyone should have “ a wish” in theiR life. FoR what??? To make theiR life meaningfull, to keep theiR spiRit and to be a human.

Rotasi kehidupan teRus beRjalan. Saat ini mungkin beRada di titik 23. Titik ini aku sebut titik lenyap. Mengapa?Di titik 23 inilah segala sesuatunya menjadi beRbeda. Banyak hal yang lenyap. Titik ini tidak beRada pada tempatnya. Melenceng jauh dan hampiR lenyap.
AtRibut : independent, peRfectionis dan kemuRnian, menjadi sekedaR sejaRah di titik lenyap. Out of contRol. The daRkness like a devil stay in my body, be a huRRicane that destRoyed all of my faith.

“WheRe is the Angel?”


I’m tired

“So, do you feel at the end of youR tetheR until you decided to stop youR step in heRe?”

I don’t know. I Really don’t know befoRe that this way as much as my life is woRth. If I know it, I’ll choose anotheR way.

Inilah titik 23 itu.
sweet point’ dengan segala keRusakannya. Jangan mencaRi kemuRnian dan khayangan di sini.

Inilah titik 23 itu.
Dunia kegelapan dengan kebusukkannya. Titik kRiminal di sepanjang kilometeR 23.

Inilah titik 23 itu.
Titik dengan seRibu topeng di atas panggung sandiwaRa yang memeRankan teateR kehidupan.

Inilah titik 23 itu.
Titik tanpa lilin, biRthday cake oR biRthday song, also without pRay in the middle of the night.

Inilah titik 23 itu.
I’m heRe now.
“NeveR Join with me”.


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